OSMT (Ontario Society of Medical Technologists) Practice Exam

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Question: 1 / 50

In a PAP stain, the nuclei are __ and stained with __ .

a. purple / Hx

In a PAP stain, the nuclei are blue and stained with EA (Eosin Azure). The primary function of the Papanicolaou (PAP) stain is to differentiate between various cellular components in cytological samples, such as those obtained from Pap smears. In this staining method, specific dyes are used to produce characteristic colors in different parts of the cells. The nuclei are typically stained blue due to the presence of the counterstain, which allows for adequate visualization of the nuclear details required for diagnosis. While the options discuss different colors and corresponding stains, the crucial detail is the relationship between the color of the nuclei and the staining solution used. The coloring of the nuclei allows for the clear identification of cellular abnormalities, which is critical in cytology. Therefore, the details provided lead to the conclusion that the nuclei in a PAP stain are indeed blue and stained with EA.

b. red / OG

c. blue / EA

d. blue / methylene blue


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